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Posts posted by GeneK

  1. FineMolds F-15J 72 scale v6.studio3



    Canopy plus wheel/spares and Air Refueling masks for new (Sep 2023) FineMolds 1/72 F-15J (and other single seaters to be released (A, C, ...). I'll post two seater masks after kits are released (Dec 2023).  SVG file is here for folks who have other than SIlhouette cutter.


    Gene K




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    The forthcoming new Silhouette machines (Portrait 4, Curio 2, and Cameo 5 )will have an optional static Electricity Technology mat that MAY work with small lettering/numbers. BUT the additional $100 COST MAY BE A DEAL BREAKER to many. Good details here. Portrait 4 and ET mat  may work for me - total cost still high at $300.


    Gene K


    BTW,  the latest version of Silhouette Studio has a much improved trace function.


    Edit: It appears that the ES mat for the Portrait will be/is appropriately smaller for the Portrait than the other ES compatible Silhouette cutters. I will get one for the new Portrait 4 I just acquired. No details or price available yet.

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  3. Supplement to MiloMinder Miss Virginia svg

    This file is a rescanned and simplified version of "Miss Virginia" lettering. Additionally, this file includes both the left and right fuselage side lettering since they differed in style.






    Gene K


    As an aside: I scanned the Tamiya decal sheet, traced using Silhouette Studio, simplified the trace nodes, and converted the resulting studio file file to svg using 

    http://www.ideas-r-us-software.uk/FileConverters/SilhouetteStudioConverter.aspx .The latest version of Silhouette Studio has a much improved trace function.


    And yes, at this scale the lettering is likely too small to reliably cut masks using the current Silhouette machines ... BUT increase by 150% to 1/32 should be good. 


    The forthcoming new machines (Portrait 3, Curio 2, and Cameo 5 )will have an optional Static Electricity Technology mat that MAY work with small lettering/numbers. BUT the additional $100 COST MAY BE A DEAL BREAKER to many.


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  4. MiloMinder,


    I posted the "Miss Virginia" lettering as a new, less "wavy" svg that can supplement your svg file if one wants.  Note that the lettering is different on each side of the airplane - "straight" lettering on the left side, and italics on right.







    Gene K



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  5. Thanks, MiloMinder.  Yes it's certainly useable in other machines. For example, the .dxf file imports directly into Silhouette Studio as a cut file (I have Designer edition, but will work in Basic also).  For other plotters and cutting machines, there are many sites/apps that will convert the dxf to other vector formats such as svg so that your file can be used.


    For others: as MiloMinder stated,  MIss Virginia is "wavy",  and that's because it (apparently) was scanned and then converted to vector format -- meaning it's composed of literally hundreds of nodes. Yes, at a small cut size it appears OK**, but the cutting machine will be doing a heck of a lot of teeny tiny zig zags. It's  possible to machine or manually simplify the trace, but that process normally results in some distortion. It takes more effort, but manual tracing would produce much smoother and truer results.


    Gene K


    ** Thanks again .... I didn't do the math to figure out the scale.


    Edit: I just saw in the LightBurn file that you posted that it's 1/48. 

  6. The blade is dragging the Oramask off its backing while it's cutting, as suggested. Woody has some great pointers.


    When the outside edges are cut, the Oramask is well tacked down around the cut, but when the inside edges are cut, there is not much stick to anchor the Oramask against the drag of the blade, so the cut shape is pushed, especially around sharp corners. You can avoid some of that by selecting Line Segment Overcut in the dialog box where speed, force, etc is set -- it's under "More", as is Track Enhancing (which may also help). However, on very small text, Overcut could cut too far into the mask, actually cutting pieces off.


    If the problem persists, the best bet, I think, is to cut the inside and outside as separate masks and then layer them. 

    For very small text, decals are the way to go.


    Gene K

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, denders said:

    That would mean that the material you're cutting has to go under the rollers. 


    Not judging by the picture:


    I'm assuming the optional electromagnetic mat's "suck" would be limited to light material - I can't see it holding, for example, cardboard cutting. Will be interesting if we can cut masks on it. I routinely cut tissue, so will be getting that mat. Probably expensive ... .:classic_blush:


    Gene K

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  8. 6 hours ago, zaxos345 said:

    ...  the machine i found is lightly used and almost 1/3 of the price of the new one ... .

     I understand, so Good luck!


    The new Portrait 4 will "only" cost a reasonable $200 here in the US. Unfortunately, it sounds like Silhouettes cost more in Europe ... for whatever reason.


    Gene K

  9. John,


    I assume you mean Portrait 3 and not Cameo 3 - correct? (You said "cameo portrait 3")


    The Portrait 3 is great for vinyl masks, but not sure what you mean by "enough power". The machine easily cuts vinyl, and if wanted, the carrier also.


    Since the Portrait is relatively inexpensive, I would buy a new machine (which comes with a warranty and no risk of unknown problems) rather than take a chance on a used one. You'll be liking and using the machine for a long time! 👍


    Gene K

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  10. On 7/24/2023 at 4:35 PM, Lime said:

    I hadn't considered removing and placing the second mask down, but that might work better than placing a mask over the top of another, especially for the finer details.


    I apply Oramask 810 masks one over the other using this Parchment Paper Perfect Placement Plan :classic_biggrin: to align the pieces:



    Many other parchment videos on YouTube -- works a treat.


    Gene K

    • Like 1
  11. Hats off to you, Dave, for that in-depth advice!!!👍  Nicely done.


    mdb - checking that the blade is fully down and locked, as Dave explained, seems pretty basic :classic_unsure: ... but I've suggested doing that more than once in  my small hobby group.


    Gene K

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  12. On 7/25/2023 at 7:54 AM, Benassen said:

    ... own a silhouette printer for other purpose than modeling.

    So you have a big head start for making masks and other items! 👍


    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


    Gene K


  13. I have a good friend who used your files, reduced to 1/72, on the Academy kit, and he thanks you! I'll post a pic once he's finished. 


    As an aside, I've reworked your 3D intakes to fit into the Hasegawa 1/72 F-4 series. So thanks again from a lot of us for those "starter" files.


    Gene K

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  14. On 6/26/2023 at 12:27 AM, Mozart said:

    I’m old and retired too ... .

    I'm older and more retired than both of you!


    DaSWO (sorry I don't know your name),


    I did those masks, and I have some other non-mask items for the F-4 that may be of use to you. Drop me a PM.


    Since you're in San Antonio, any chance you're retired USAF?


    Gene K

  15. On 1/22/2023 at 2:59 PM, Mozart said:

    Sorry friends, only just picked up on this thread. The answer is “yes”, I bought a special blade and cut this: 



    What machine, material, and settings did you use? The canopy frames look terrific!


    Gene K


  16. On 5/25/2023 at 8:07 AM, panzerrob said:

    I am looking for some-one (located in Europe) who can make a simple mask for me.




    If you can't find anyone in Europe, I may be able to help. I am away from home for the next few weeks, but PM me with details ... like the font, size, etc. After I get back home, I can cut the masks for you and send them your way. No charge, but postage would be appreciated.


    Gene K


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