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  1. Something else just came to mind. Are you using one of the 'sticky' mats? If you aren't, I'm wondering if the Oramask is slipping. I usually cut a piece of masking material the size that I need and put it on one of the sticky matts.
  2. HI Matt. I don't have a '5' so I can't specifically speak to any sort of problems that may be particular to that model. I typically use, Blade Depth 2, Force 6, Speed 5, and one pass. Acceleration must be new on the '5'. I believe a number of other folks here use similar settings with 810. The depth setting is in tenth of a mm and blade depth of 1 is really close but if there are slight variations in the material, it might not cut all the way through the 810. A depth setting of 2 doesn't cut through the backer. If I purchased a '5', I would be inclined to use the setting that I've listed here and then experiment with the acceleration setting to see if it makes any improvements. I've found it is necessary, occasionally, to zoom in really closely and position the end point of lines. Also, don't forget the files area where others have uploaded various masks. Dave P.S. since Kev answered before I could submit reply, contacting support would probably be good too.
  3. Thanks for these. Recently used several of them for my Fw190A-8.
  4. Oh yeah, finished model.
  5. Kev, they're uploaded. There's a extra topic to remove because I forgot how to upload files. Dave
  6. Version 1.0.0


    I found the decals hard to work with while working on the cockpit, so I created a set of masks for the yellow stripes. Note, I sort of 'cheated' and created them so I wouldn't have to deal with transfer tape. You can add smaller scrape areas by making additions to the masks or perhaps some paint on masking. Dave
  7. Revell Razer Crest Yellow Stripes Mask (studio3) View File I found the decals hard to work with while working on the cockpit, so I created a set of masks for the yellow stripes. Note, I sort of 'cheated' and created them so I wouldn't have to deal with transfer tape. You can add smaller scrape areas by making additions to the masks or perhaps some paint on masking. Dave Submitter denders Submitted 03/30/2024 Category Sci-Fi & Real Space  
  8. Masked up the remaining pieces and painted.
  9. Thanks Kev. When I weeded out all the unnecessary bits, I realized there's a mistake there. This is the final after a recut. First mask piece in place. Paint on. Masks off. I like it. Just 4 more mask pieces to go.
  10. I've been working on a Revell Razor Crest. When I used the decals in the cockpit, they seemed a bit thick and I eventually had to pull out a very old bottle of Solvaset and use a 1/4" flat brush to push them down into the details. Therefore, I was concerned about using the kit decals for the yellow stripes on the outside. So I decided to make masks for painting the yellow stripes. I'm sure it'll be challenging to get them in place correctly. This is a screen capture from the Silhouette Studio software. I think it's the largest single piece of masking material that I've used. I'll weed out what I don't need but it'll be a couple days 'til I try them. It's raining so I can't paint and I don't want to have them sitting around stuck to the model for a while. It should be interesting.
  11. Thanks for the input. Having looked at a video, what you're saying makes sense to what the material looks like in that video.
  12. Becoming a little less liking this stuff. It should stick on the canopy better than this. The canopy curve isn't that extreme and this is 32nd scale. I didn't wash the canopy parts although it isn't falling off, it's just not sticking over the curve. I'll be fine if I press it down when I go to paint, but....
  13. Yes, those seem to have come out okay. I tried some cuts at Depth setting of 1 and I'm not sure if it actually cut properly. I also tried using this for the masks for the markings on the top surface of the wing above the flaps that I've gotten the idea it is something like 'NO STEP' and one of the Japanese characters did not cut well. I have not gone back and altered the speed and pressure yet. Right now, I'm working on the canopy masks for the Ki-100. I'll see how those turn out.
  14. I ordered some of the Green Stuff World masking material. Each pack contains two, 200mm x 300mm (8" x 12") sheets. I needed to make a half circle as part of the masking of the silver paint on my Ki-100 model (over at LSP). And I added a couple of the "64"s for the landing gear covers. I cut an 1.5" x 4" piece and placed on the Cameo cutting mat. And sent through the cutter using the normal setting that I've been using for materials like Oracal 810 and Art tool Ultra Mask. The setting to note is the depth of 2. As you can see, with a depth setting of 2 it is close to cutting the whole way through. I ran another with a depth setting of 1 and it seems to have made the cuts without coming close to cutting through. I then placed some of the cut masks on the onto the model. The half circle will be accompanied by tape to mask the under side of the fuselage, etc. I used Frisket as a transfer tape to place the "64"s. I found the GSW masking at Noble Knight Games. It was ~$4.30 per pack there, on the Green Stuff World (Spain) site it was ~$2.50 per pack. The Tamiya sheets were ~7" x 9", 5 sheets for about $11, if you can find it. Looking on the SB site, Ammo, Border, and Tamiya have masking sheets of various sizes and quantities. Some don't show in stock. I haven't decided on trying out the other material that I found, it's 12" x 11 yards at $65. If it works, it will probably last my lifetime. 🤪
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