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Greg Meggs

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Everything posted by Greg Meggs

  1. For the majority of designs, we could just have, as example, RAF type B Roundels, USAAF markings with Red surround, standard USAF, Russian post war, and the various type faces such as Amarillo and RAF type etc. . They would be easy to find. Then an offshoot with non standard dimensions and fonts. Another section covering markings for a complete aircraft, maybe matched to a certain kit, and this could include canopy masks.
  2. Hi, I have been modelling for a rather long life time, but have not as yet gotten around to using a cutter to cut masks. However, back in the day I was responsible for much decal art work, so I might get around to resurrecting some of that for use on current kits. And cutting masks also allow us to achieve that holy grail or two (thinks Latin American Mustangs in 1/32 as example)
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