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Hi there,

Novice builder but like the idea of creating my own masks and I've just picked up a Silhouette Portrait 4 and learning how to use it


From what I've read the oracal 810 or tamiya masking sheets seem to work best, I'm picking up the tamiya sheets but finding an economical source of 810 around Calgary or in Canada is tough.  


Amazon has 631 which is flexible but not transparent, and 813 which is transparent but more rigid

seems the 810 is the goldie locks but I can't seem to find an economical source - best I can find is $35/10yd + $20 shipping


ps - think the site is great, strange it's not more popular but I guess this is an avenue most may not want to go



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Welcome aboard, sir! The Oracal products are hard to find here in Australia, too. The one source I know of is a distributor, so you have to sign up as a faux retailer to order anything! Not helpful for you, but at least know that you're not alone. Hopefully someone can give you more useful information than that!


Yes, I wish the site was more popular too.



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Thanks Kev, and thanks for putting the effort here to gather info creating your own masks - much appreciated!


Seems I might have to bite the bullet or use a combo of tamiya sheets and the 631



I order my Oramask from here in the US:




There are many options (sheets, rolls, sizes) at good prices, and they ship to Canada. In the past there was a discussion on another site about 810 losing stick and shrinking after a long time in storage, so the recommendation was to order in small batches. I personally haven't had a problem storing a roll inside the house for several years.


Gene K

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